That is my sincere advice regarding Parental Responsibilities.

     That is my sincere advice regarding Parental Responsibilities.


Unfortunately, having no spare time for giving specific tips for new parents I only can make a reminder about the most essential moments in your baby’s first days of life. My dear friends and visitors I have created this post with one thought to share my personal experience as I am a mother of two babies and a head of the English department in Biotexcom. Hence I often notice how it’s difficult to be accustomed to a new role of parent. I mean that your life changes completely when you become parents. It hasn’t to be like an unexpectedness for you, so you should be prepared for the new stage. Because it’s a very and very important thing. Your baby’s health depends on your true readiness.
Of course, Our pediatricians and nannies will be assisting you as much as possible but remember they aren’t members of your family. They can’t be next to your children throughout the life. You understand it’s only your mission and full responsibility to keep your babies feeling good and safe.

A newborn needs a protection and a total care. Baby’s body is just starting to respond to the impact of environment.  The main vital systems of the body are just starting to work by themselves.
Your baby needs to be fed with a special food recommended by children's doctor. So, be very attentive to pediatrician’s prescriptions. A baby may wake up at night and also be confused with the difference between day and night.
Something that is normal for you can be too hot or too cold for your baby, remember this. There are many pediatric requirements and restrictions which might beсome the first helpers for your new “role”. There’s a lot of books and video courses assisting new parents how to cope with various sudden issues. You can find this info on the Internet and on our Youtube channel in particular.  Don’t forbear from getting new necessary knowledge.

Babies are surely amazing creatures deserving our profound admiration. Nobody has doubts. But they are also a living organism which wants to eat per every three hours, goes to stool many times a day, has too heavy head and a very weak neck to hold a head in the sitting position. It’s absolutely normal for babies to have a belly ache. The parenthood is a complex science and the new parents must study it heartily.
Healthy babies – Happy parents. This short word combination implies a hard work and a huge responsibility hidden on the backstage of perfect parenting.
I had shot a video. You’ll find it with help of this link 


  1. Our de ivf baby is due November, 2018. So am doing my best to prepare. I think it's really just that it takes about a month to figure out a good routine and get settled into life as a mommy. You are expected to go through a lot the first month for sure. Hormones trying to balance. Getting into a feeding routine. Sleep routines and all that.. I think the best thing is just to take every day as it comes. I'll try to nap on baby's schedule, relax, and try not to be too hard on myself. Once I was said: 'You will do great and before you know it you will be all settled into parenthood and trying to remember what life was like before baby! Little by little, you'll feel physically better, and baby will start to interact with you, and you'll find a new routine that works.' Newborns require so much attention. And they don't even smile at you for a month. Plus you are still recovering from childbirth, physically. I think every stage is hard in its own.. The beginning is hard bc everything is new and stressful. But it's also rewarding and fun and enjoyable all in the same breath! Every baby is different and your struggles will be different than any one else's. You'll learn as you go and find enjoyable moments every day (Even on the bad ones!) Just expect to be surprised and you'll do great! This is my point of view.
    Thank you for sharing this info with us.

  2. I'm with you andycollins!!
    Here's some of my background. TTC since Jan 2010 naturally. Then after year of trying with no luck we started fertility support with RE in Jan 2011. 
    5 clomid cycles with good stim response. 1st BFP on 3nd cycle. I thought I was so lucky but miscarried at 8 weeks. My sweet embie developed to 6w3d only..
    Then my path continued with 3 x IUI with 2 cancellations due to cysts or hyper stimulation.
    We took a break to improve health then decided to go for IVF. Here you know, like thousands of others, we initiated fertility diet, reduced alcohol, started acupuncture & doing yoga.
    July 2012- IVF #1- Antagonist protocol. I began stimulation- Puregon + Cetrotide. ER-11 retrieved, 10 Fertilized. ET- 2 good quality 5d blasts- 6 other embies frozen at day5/6 blast stage.
    8dp5dt- Took a HPT- faint pink line. 9dp5dtt- HPT- positive. Then actual pregnancy blood test - positive- low beta 46. The following one -again positive but low beta 52!! Doctors were concerned about ectopic. Not appearing to be a viable pregnancy -chemical or ectopic.We were told that there was very little hope..So it actually was..causing more complications to my general health condition. Again took a long break, seems the longest one before continuing strugglings. We wanted another woman to carry our baby. Began looking for surrogacy options, leading us to Eastern Europe for high success rates and affordable prices. Came across Biotexcom. Our surrogate fell pregnant from the very first shot. Those numbers has stuck in my head!!
    Aug 22, 2016- Beta 1920- wow its doubling!!!
    Aug 28, 2012- U/S- 1 single embryo in uterus measuring 6.6 weeks- Heartbeat!!!
    I can hardly imagine we could not see our LO the very first day of living!! We wanted nobody just us to take care of our baby with his first breath. He was so long awaited and fought for we couldn't let anyone else intrude. Our baby only and us. Holly

  3. Thank you very much for sharing this info with us.
    We got to know a lot of interesting things from our nurse and babysitter at biotexcom. Our girl was born a couple of weeks ago. And frankly speaking there were lots of things we weren't actually prepared for. Things read and things on practice differ much. We didn't know for example, that they don’t show up in x-rays, but the baby does have kneecaps! They are cartilage and will remain so for the first few years of live. A newborn baby’s head accounts for about 25 per cent of the entire weight! Newborns are only able to focus 8-10 inches from their face. They also prefer blank and white, high-contrast images to colored, graphic ones. For the first time we heard that baby boys are usually heavier than baby girls. When babies are born, they have 3 hundred bones. Their bones fuse as they grow and, eventually, the will have 206 bones. They typically sleep up to 17 hours a day. Here's yet another thing - a baby can breathe and swallow at the same time until 7 months of age. A newborn baby’s heart beats 130 to 160 times per minute, about twice the heart rate of a normal adult. All those facts sound amazing.
    Of course I agree with the points mentioned about parental responsibilities. I believe all new parents just need some time to get used to their new status. May all the little ones born be healthy and happy in their families. Blessings.

  4. Thank you so much for this post. After years of failed infertility treatment, my husband and I had almost given up. We didn’t have the energy or emotional stamina to keep trying. I thought adoption was my only alternative until our doctor suggested that we consider gestational care. As hard as that was to hear, I realized I could have a genetic child and be very close to the pregnancy even if I wasn’t carrying the child myself. It was so exciting to be at that first ultrasound and see my child’s heartbeat! It has turned a very painful beginning into a very hopeful future. I like the way you all guys care.

    1. Oh I see. Because of needle phobia I was scared of injectibles the most. But now I'm coming back to boards to wish good luck with IP's upcoming cycles! So I was afraid of the progesterone shots, but I was pleasantly surprised by how not painful they are. Here are a few tips:
      If you get lumps, massage them out. They go away with just a few (5 or less) minutes of massage. If you hit a lump, it hurts, so I found getting rid of them helpful!
      I had my husband do these injections. I preferred to do the belly shots myself, but my husband was able to see old injection sites, bruises, and blood vessels that I wasn’t able to see. Avoiding bruises and old injection sites greatly reduced pain, and avoiding blood vessels reduced bleeding and bruising.
      A lot of people like to ice. This is not my personal preference. The oil needs to dissipate and I found ice prevented this and actually hurt more. But this is a matter of personal preference. I ended up not needing either ice or heat, but if anything, I’d recommend heat immediately after.
      Don’t be alarmed if you get weird symptoms. I would get occasional shooting pain or even numbness of my entire leg (disappears after a few hours). This was just the result of hitting a nerve. Obviously, if you are concerned, call your doctor or go to the ER. I’m just sharing because it was scary the first time but ended up being normal!
      Beat of luck with your cycle! The shots really weren’t too bad!
      Hope this helps someone.


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