Nothing but Anastasia’s revelation about order of things. The head of
English department offers honesty instead of annoying excuses. Take joy
in watching!
OMG, God is the one to rule on how things will go. When we decided to head off for treatments in Ukraine, Biotexcom clinic we didn't expect it would take us 1 att only. Honestly, taking into consideration all our previous medical history which includes the following: TTC since March 2014. Dx: Unexplained primary infertility. IVF#1 - Antagonist protocol. 12 eggs retrieved, 6 fertilized. 2 transferred day 3, no snowbabies. BFN. IVF#2 - Microdose flare protocol. 12 eggs retrieved, only 3 fertilized. Day 5 transfer of 2 blasts (grade 4AB, 4BB). IVF#3 - donor eggs. We got a lovely donor at Biotex who produced her beautiful healthy eggs for us. They placed back 2 5day blasts of A grade during ET, one vanished, resulting in our baby who is due November, 2018. Unfortunately not all the couples are that lucky with their 1st shots. But again we were expecting we'd need more ourselves, but thankfully it worked out from the very first one. Guys are doing their job perfectly, but they are not all mighty! So this cannot be the reason of hating them as there are so many other reasons preventing us from successful pregnancies. Anastasia is reasonable with the conclusions.
Congrats with your pregnancy! The way to treatments is never easy. We usually get overstressed even not having actually started the process itself. People around aren't understanding desired. The majority feels easy to even hurt the infertile, not knowing what burden they endure. I know how that feels. We used to be on similar boat stuck in the same mocking of others. Sadly the world has lot of insensible people or maybe we attract such stupid foul-mouthed over curious people who fail to be empathetic towards women for whom getting pregnant isn't as easy as DTD itself. I'd say please everyone stop feeling miserable because some douche-bag choose to pick on you. Stay grounded... and tell them they should be humble for having babies the easy way and shouldn't mock the less privileged ones!!
Well, I've heard sth of this kind earlier. But never thought it was true. They say, if you want to have the best chance at pregnancy, try conceiving in the winter months. Sperm are produced in larger numbers and swim faster in winter compared to the remaining three seasons. Sounds ridiculous, isn't it? Advances in contraceptive and reproductive technology have given women greater control in planning their family, which means that for many women, delaying motherhood is an active and empowered choice. There may also be a ‘celebrity effect’, as women see and read about celebrities having children after 40, apparently effortlessly. However, a woman’s fertility does decrease dramatically after 40 and it is important to know the facts about conception at 40 and above. We We'd been ttc for 7 years. Doing multiple IUI attempts which sadly failed one after another. We underwent loads of tests to tell us what was wrong. We still gave a try to ivf with own egg which was called off because of only 1 additive test undone! And this 1 single additional test could have told us 7 years ago!! that it wasn't going to happen! Thankfully we found overseas Biotexcom where successfully completed our DE surrogacy program resulting in beautiful healthy twins. Infertility times are always difficult to move through, but we all are brave enough to do it!
Among women over 45, more now use donated eggs than their own when using medical assistance to get pregnant. What’s happening at the moment is that more and more women are delaying motherhood until later in their lives. But the fact is that as you get older the quality of your eggs diminishes. Using donated eggs from a younger woman pushes the success rate right up for older women. It can be the difference between 3 or 4% using their own eggs, right up to as high as a 60% success rate using donated eggs. The thing is that the womb doesn’t age in the way eggs do. So a woman can carry a child at almost any age. I have also appreciated what egg donors/surrogates are doing for us. My husband and I have been struggling to have our baby#1 for years. After a year of unsuccessful trying we finished the work up at the RE and discovered that my AMH was really low - 0.06. I did end up pregnant once. but it was a chemical that ended just shy of 4 weeks. The RE basically said that I had a 2% chance of getting pregnant naturally. Moreover, if I do there is a 50/50 chance of miscarriage due to DOR and poor egg quality. I am currently almost 41. I've never had children on my own before. But due to circumstances adopted my niece time ago.. So during our further investigations our RE said that our best chance was to do IVF with pregenetic screening. He said that bumps are chances up to 60%. This seemed too little..But we made the go. I think I've got the best prepared for IVF cycles – used all the possible tips to make my eggs better and the overall health state just excellent..We got bfp twice, and twice miscarried..Such a heartbreaking experience!! Finally, after more investigations done, were said it was not going to happen to us, so that we applied for surrogacy quite soon afterwards.
Couples should never do this. It really makes me sad. Well it's abslutely another thing when you pay money and you want the services the way they were written in your contract and don't get them for some reasons. (For example, you've been passed from hands to hands and your last expert cannot make head or tale on what is going on!! - then this is a problem) Or when for example you're told you'll not have to pay any extra fees and then it turns out you have to - this is also the problem. But if you sign the contract and you see how things are going on and you are involved fully into the process and everything seems just ok. BUT unfortunately this very time it doesn't work our for you - then this is sth more than just luck. Then you'd better think your coming cycle is going to be successful. As every step makes you closer to the desired aim, you know. I mean even if no luck from shot#1 a highly qualified clinic will investigate the reasons.They will make improvements to the treatment plans and do everything possible to make the next round successful. That is the point! Not hating or praising someone --just doing job right.
I'll keep on saying, mature patients get better emotional protection after an IVF failure. 'Cause they do not blame others or themselves for the failure. They do not think their body is defective. and hence their self-esteem is not damaged. And they accept the failure with a strong heart and mind which will in turn help them to look forward for ways to make their baby dreams come true! Anyway failures happen just everywhere, in every world's repro center.
Firstly, I 'd say I was shocked when read ''I hate Biotexcom'' heading. I really thought I got it not right and tried to dig for more aspects. This video turned out to be the most unexpected one. I was amazed seeing the head of the department being this open about the problems of cooperation with patients. This topic might be very sensitive for the majority. I mean everyone facing infertility tends to be prepared for the treatments flow via internet and chatting with people sailing in the same boat. Less people go straight to the expert for the advice. And only few are really prepared things might go wrong due to various obstacles. Those I had chats with always wrote they hoped for the success this very time as feel it inside..or sth of this kind. None used to write, oh god, my embies aren't going to be good enough to implant..and so on. And this is natural for people to hope for better and deny the possibility of failure. I think this leads to misunderstanding penetrating into hating the clinic which was not successful with your very first try. Unfortunately this happens. Ours is a long history of tratments failure with the clinic in the UK, which finally led us to Biotexcom where we applied for surrogacy. So what then? Do I have to hate my UK clinic which tried all possible options to treat me? Do I have to tell everybody and everywhere I hate the place its drs, everything 'cause of some reasons they couldn't cope with my case? I truly believe no. We both took this state of things and did our best to seek more options we could use. We tried with Biotexcom and were successful. Our sweet surrogate carried our baby for us which we'll be always thankful for. I guess all these things depend also on people..
A lovely post and I agree wholeheartedly. I have felt such a mixed bag of emotilns on the boards and blogs recently. Such amazingly brilliant news from some. And devestation from others. But stories like yours who have come through the other side and can still put a smile on their face and just move on- I applaud you!! Congrats on your sweet little one!!
This is amazing how far the medicine has already stepped forward. IVF is super popular among IF couples. This is the hope for thousands of people to create their families. Though it's might be physically and emotionally draining. Also financially draining unless seeking treatments in European countries like Ukraine. Anyway this all is worth trying. We passed de surrogacy in biotexcom. To be fair, there are other clinics in Ukraine that are great as well, and you will find similar plans there. The reason we chose biotex is because we independently read a lot of great reviews online. There isn’t as much info in the US forums as there are in European forums, as Ukraine is only a two or three hour flight for most, and since they are in different languages, we had to use Google Translate to gather the intel on some the forums. Here's a super blog to read for those planning to undergo surrogacy This was quite emotional to turn to a completely new treatment abroad. So we tried to look fr ways to deal with the emotional roller coaster the best. Acupuncture was one of the methods. I've tried acupuncture twice in my life. Both times whilst preparing for IUI cycles. Unfortunately no actual effect, as the problem was in the core. As it turned out later I wasn't able to carry pregnancy. So probaby I'll resume its effect was beneficial for my nerves only. Did felt relieved for some time after acupuncture..Be good to yourselves, ladies.
This topic is too sensitive. We all know we have to be patient when being in the process of treatments. But it's really hard to pull ourselves together when we expect our cycles to be successful and get BFNs at the end. Whom should we blame then!? To my mind, there are two sides of the coin. And one of them states one should trust the place she's with. I've heard several posts from people complaining some or the other clinic actually robbed them off too much money and were left still childless... For this and that, most of which were irrelevant or was never the client's fault. This is why it's always better to check the documents like 3 times before signing. This is the point of the trust. But if you've been lucky enough to have all things clear and transparent and for the exact money sum, and when you actually know the list of services and number of attempts and if you fail with cycle and you know there are one(s) remaining than everything's fair. On everage more than 1 cycle is needed to succeed through ivf, and this success depends on too many factors. Just make sure the place chosen is worthy even though you've failed with round#1 with them.
Agreed! The first person patients turn to when their IVF cycle fails is their doctor. He is the person who performed everything from the ovarian stimulation to the embryo transfer. He is the one who advised them to do IVF; and reassured them that they had a good chance of succeeding. Patients naturally think that their doctor should have an answer for the most important question that haunts them – ‘Why did my cycle fail?’ There are patients who are naive about the IVF process, and who get angry with their doctor when he cannot offer a satisfactory answer for the failure. They start imagining the worst – that their doctor did not perform the procedure well, or that the clinic is not competent, which is why the cycle failed. Some might blame themselves, because they start thinking that their body is not conducive for achieving a pregnancy; that their uterus is not good enough to accept the embryo; and that they are not fit to carry a baby. Some believe that their body is defective or that it “rejected” the embryo. Many start obsessing about all the ‘mistakes’ they did during the 2ww – from not taking enough rest to eating certain ‘forbidden’ foods. Many patients start blaming themselves for the IVF failure and might even think that it is a punishment from God! But a well informed, IVF literate patient understands that an IVF failure is nobody’s fault!!
Even when every step (From ovarian stimulation to egg retrieval to embryo transfer) goes as planned, the reality is that a certain percentage of women will not see a bfp. IVF pregnancy rates, overall, have improved tremendously. But it still is not perfect. Especially among women with DOR, bfns are unfortunately still common. Patients who still want to work with their own eggs have to expect that it may take more than one cycle to conceive. Such the truth is.
Treatment success doesn't purely depend on the clinic and its staff. There could be loads of reasons we might not be lucky after the 1st att. Unfortunately we don't know to listen to them much. Always tending to blame sb or sth unless understand the core ourselves. Sometimes people have to pay the fortune for treatments. They feel this absolute financial burden. And they believe this is going to be their rainbow - then fail accidentally..So start hating the place they had no luck at. Personally I don't think this is the right ''approach'' meaning you don't understand the core. Of course I happened to read the stories when women were blaming the clinics on spilling embryos or lab work giving inaccurate test results. Or young doctors being unable to properly evaluate the chances or some other complains. I truly don't believe young doctors are worse 'cause of experience lack..or them being young. It depends on their professionalism. Sadly it quite often takes more than expected to conceive. Try to stay patient and look for good answers from your doctor in case. May those epsodes be more rare within clinics.
Here a hater or not must understand-- NOT every ivf cycle ends up with success!! A failed IVF cycle is heart wrenching. It is painful because your dreams are shattered, your hard-earned money has gone down the tube and you do not know what to do next! As humans we all need an answer for the failures we encounter. Why did a particular endeavor fail? If we get an answer for this, then we tend to have peace of mind, because we believe that we can achieve success the next time around if we can rectify what went wrong in the previous attempt. But when an IVF cycle fails unfortunately no one has an answer for the same – not even your doctor! You might have had a perfect cycle – lots of eggs, good fertilization rate, good quality embryos, excellent endometrium, easy embryo transfer – but no positive pregnancy test! On the other hand your friend might have had a very poor IVF cycle (with few eggs and poor quality embryos) and they might end up getting pregnant! IVF is like a gamble – which involves not only your money, but also your fragile baby dreams! The sad truth is that there is no logical explanation for the outcome of an IVF cycle – be it a success or a failure. This is because we are still not intelligent enough to understand the logic beyond the bio’logical’ process that controls embryo development and implantation. Once the embryo is transferred to the uterus, no one knows what happens to it after this– after all, how can we track the fate of a microscopic ball of cells once they are inside the uterine cavity? We cannot predict which embryos will implant and why, and hence we do not know why an IVF cycle fails or succeeds!!! And this is definitely NOT THE REASON for hating or blaming someone! We went through 5 failed ivf rounds before found ourselves at bio tex com applying for surrogacy plan. Yes, we are not satisfied with the fact my wife had to go through all that nightmare and finally we were left childless just like at start. But this did happen. No use brushing things in memory again and again and hating everyone around! I think this also shows how mature we are with our thoughts towards the ivf process..And it makes sad people don't value the efforts done for them.
I'm sorry for all the failures you faced.. I've got this painful experience too. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why a miscarriage may happen. Although the cause is often not identified. If a miscarriage happens during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it's usually caused by problems with the foetus. About 3 in every 4 miscarriages happen during this period..This statistics is very sad indeed, our tiny beans face the hugest issues during this very period of time. If a miscarriage happens after the first trimester of pregnancy, it may be the result of things like an underlying health condition in the mother. Late miscarriages may also be caused by an infection around the baby. This usually leads to the bag of waters breaking before any pain or bleeding. Sometimes they can be caused by the neck of the womb opening too soon. First trimester miscarriages are often caused by problems with the chromosomes of the foetus. Chromosome problems - Chromosomes are blocks of DNA. They contain a detailed set of instructions that control a wide range of factors, from how the cells of the body develop to what colour eyes a baby will have. Sometimes something can go wrong at the point of conception and the foetus receives too many or not enough chromosomes. The reasons for this are often unclear, but it means the foetus won't be able to develop normally, resulting in a miscarriage. This is very unlikely to recur. It doesn't necessarily mean there's any problem with you or your partner. And there are so many other factors influencing our success chance!!! The most important I believe is to keep sane and patient and keep on moving whatever happens.
We all try to make sure the clinic has good quality control and strong ethics before even making the first call there. We ask a lot of questions at each one we visit. Like, how long have the medical director, doctors, and technicians been there? Because we all know that a high staff turnover can be a sign of bad management, it can contribute to further mistakes. Then we want to know whether the clinic has a wide range of infertility remedies and is familiar with the latest technology. If the clinic has age limits for treatment What does treatment cost? Here we don't want to choose strictly on price. It's just good to know costs ahead of time so you know what you're getting into.
Cost is always a shock to people. You don’t think of surrogacy as an elective procedure (Like plastic surgery). You think of fertility as a right!IVF, for example, can cost upwards of $10k for one cycle. Depending on what a patient is required to do, costs can escalate to anywhere from $20k to $25k. Moreover, this pricing doesn’t include vitamins and wellness treatments (Massage, acupuncture etc.) Many people still have to invest much additionally in throughout the process. It amounts to a hefty price tag that many can’t afford. Especially if you believe some research that says IVF is most successful after three or even five attempts!! Looking on our current process, I know my husband and I have been lucky. It also brought us closer together. We’ve always been an incredibly strong team! (Though surviving the ups and downs of infertility could have broken us.) Here's my story in brief. 39 yrs young. TTC 2 years & 9 months. I have a damaged right tube, endo. DH has some swimmer issues. Tried 6 medicated cycles (clmid and follistim) but only 1 IUI and 1 cycle timed BD because I kept Oing on my bad side.. Had two fresh cycles and two FETs. All times using own eggs and dh's swimmers. Meds taken: BCP, Lupron, Estrace and PIO (for FET) Did BCP, Lupron, Menopur and Follistim for fresh cycles. As for the eggs retrieved: IVF #1 - 9, IVF #2 – 15! Fertilized: IVF #1 - 4 of 9, IVF #2 - 10 of 15. 3 & 5 day transfers. 2 embies put back each time. With my BFP (IVF #1 was early loss) I had headaches and mild AF cramps during 2ww. I used FRERs. It's worth splurgin on the big guns when you've put yourself through so much crap! Dr told us there were complications, so it was too dangerous for me to try for pregnancy at all. And that we'd better to look for surrogacy option.
I just want to say that your strength and resilience is extremely inspiring! I've been through several retrieval cycles etc. etc... with a partner which was still hard. All the previous shots failed. But you are such a fierce bad-*ss for having the courage and fortitude to go through this again and again! You will be an amazing mother!! My only advice is finding professional support who you can fully trust such as an acupuncturist, therapist, or any other type of healer with experience with fertility if possible. I am premature ovarian failure and have been taking DHEA for a while now. I still randomly have periods, but have never had signs of ovulation. Even with DHEA and all the supplements I have seen recommended, my numbers continue to be low. I am still hormonally an old woman. Physically, I feel substantially great. My Dr did recommend DHEA, saying it could slow my progression to full blown menopause, but will not reverse my condition. So we hurried up to Biotexcom to try their mitochondrial donation method out. We'll see what happens next.
Currently one can go for ''standard'' surrogacy package EUR 40k. One is sure to get: a surrogate's help, her screening, IP's screening, donor eggs if needed, translator's and interpreter's services, all legal support, all meds needed for the protocols. and many other vital services which definitely make the IP's stay at the clinic the most comfortable and effective. Moreover, VIP EUR 50k surrogacy plan covers the IP from money loss! Biotexcom guarantee says they'll try again and again unless the baby is placed in your hands. There's no point to hate if no luck. Probably it's better to look for ''win-win'' plan??
There are so many points to discuss here. The quality of a woman’s eggs is important in creating a healthy embryo. The reason for this is that the egg does most of the work in accepting the DNA from sperm and facilitating the mix of genes resulting in the creation of an embryo. As maternal age advances, the percentage of chromosomally abnormal eggs increases. reducing the chance of creating a healthy embryo naturally.The main function of sperm is to move and transmit healthy DNA in to the oocyte to make a healthy embryo. In some men for various reasons sperm function may be poor and the DNA may be damaged. One of the most common reasons why IVF is unsuccessful, or why implantation failure or miscarriages occur, is because of chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo. Alos embryo implantation which depends on both embryo quality and the endometrial environment. The uterus may be affected by either structural, hormonal or immunological conditions. And final point is general peneral maternal and paternal health. I can hardly think the repro center is the only one to be responsible for all those aspects..Intended parents should be realistic about IVF process and outcomes. This will definitely save from heartbreaks if it's not working from the very first time.
No wonder. People don't tend to understand the core of the treatment outcomes. We are used to think quite irrationally - we pay money -we must get a kid in any way. And we are literaly crushed when we don't for some reason..I belive the clinic' staff should always explain all the possible outcomes of the fertility treatment to their patients beforehand. for them to be realistic. In any case, I believe there are much more successful stories with them than those heartbreaking ones. When a company achieves high efficiency in its sphere and it is developing, making innovations and improving its results, it becomes popular among more and more people, the media, competitors, potential partners and, of course, infertile couples around the world. Nowadays there are many patients from Germany at the clinic. One of the stories was told by German media. There was a couple from Germany. Aged 55 and 48. They used donor egg surrogacy in BioTexCom. The couple has been waiting for the happy day for 17 years! After long researches they’ve decided on surrogacy in BioTexCom. Their surrogate mother has successfully carried and delivered twin girls for them. Anastasia says right. They aren't gods and cannot rule over everything. Otherwise there wouldn't be a single heartbreak with treatments ever..
Among reasons might be any of the following. IVF cycle cancellation, prior to egg retrieval, because not enough follicles are produced. No or only inadequate quality eggs are retrieved. Retrieved eggs don't fertilize of fertilize inadequately. As a consequence no embryo may be available for transfer into the uterus. Transferred embryos may not implant for a variety of reasons. An IVF cycle can be unsuccessful even with good numbers of eggs (and embryos) if egg quality is poor. Our dr at BioTex explained that egg quality reflects about 95% of the final quality of an embryo. Poor egg quality, therefore, always leads to poor embryo quality. The quality of sperm, while not unimportant, is nowhere near as important as egg quality.
Surrogacy’s benefits for intended parents are clear. These couples are finally able to add to their families. This is often after years of unsuccessful ttc and hoping for success. But there is more to it. I mean the benefits of surrogacy for the surrogates. Every surrogacy is different. Each surrogate may walk away from her experience with different benefits and rewards. Each surrogacy is life-changing. So there is usually something to be gained from every journey. Surrogates enjoy a deep sense of personal satisfaction knowing they have helped another family in such an incredible way. Women who choose surrogacy are able to share their pregnancy journey with the intended parents. Many surrogates develop lasting relationships with the families they help create. Surrogates involve their surroundings into the process and are able to set a wonderful example of generosity. If the surrogacy is compensated, the surrogate also receives base compensation that can be applied to her financial goals, such as saving for a house. Finally, I read quite often, the women who choose surrogacy agree that seeing a completed family at the end of their journey is the ultimate reward that makes it all worth it.
When an IVF cycle fails, many people feel grief, anger and frustration. It’s extremely normal to feel these emotions. But you should not blame yourself, your partner, or your clinic. IVF can fail for many reasons. The chances are that it is completely out of your control. Talk to your fertility specialist who will be able to explain what may have happened and what steps to take next. This is the only good approach if you want to keep sane and go forward.
Unfortunately, not everything depends on fertility experts/clinic/lucky stars..There is sth much more about this entire process of infertility struggles. It has taken us years already. Long ttc with no luck. Then long years of medicated cycles & IVFs - no joy either. We made the decision to try luck with the very last option - surrogacy in Ukraine. Putting all our hopes into this option & counting on it as truly last one, we'd never be able to afford more..It's good people let things off their chests. But one should be realistic about expectations.
We all know this burden, right? I believe we are not the only ones. But the beginning of the process was rather stressing for us both I should admit. as it all was completely new to us! We had our 1st app in March in ** clinic, Kiev. (Dealing with mitochondria donation OR donor eggs along with IVF this time if the former doesn't work). Unfortunately, time is sth which is not under control when it comes to fertilty. It was an unpleasant piece of news for me, for all the family, when our first fertility doc told us I was not going to have a genetically related to me kid. So devastating!!- Seems I'd never felt so broken and miserable before..We've got into all this by no choice. And here are probably some of the tips, which have been helping me so far. The first thing as for the meds I’ve made conclusions on, is never read!! all the scary side effects as most medications have those!! The more you get into it the more it seems you’ll never cope with it ( if there turn to be these and those ones.) Take a deep breath and just do what you’re told. Trust people you’re working with on your aim! A good talk with someone professional about worries/concerns - RE, a nurse, a family doctor, ... whoever really helps!! This is naturally we have a lot of worries, frustration and questions. So I truly believe we need to have someone close by that can help us through every step of this intense journey. Also people on here and on other boards are extremelly helpful. Yet another thing is accupuncture. I used it mainly to calm mind - it might be something to look into too, surely. And yes, you don't have to have an ET after an ER right immediately! You can freeze them and have a FET. Thus the clinic we're with prefers fresh cycles. ( At least if the case lets it) A good thing is to look at the groups with appropriate titles on boards, so that you could get even more support. You'll find more info about the process and waiting times which will definitely help you in the long run. And ask your RE about any concerns you might have. Be as much involved into the process as possible. Get notes not to abandon some crusial points of treatments. GL to all and please talk to a professional any time you need to have your mind at ease.
I’d love to hear from others who are also struggling. Venting allowed. The posts above really resonated with me. I'm sorry you find yourself in these situations. During my journey, I learned to appreciate the things I had. I didn't have any children, but there was still a lot to be grateful for. It's easy to get jealous of what others have. That's why I just tried to focus on my dh, myself and my blessings. I understood I have no right to make assumptions or judge others. Because I never know their life's journey. Only you can run this marathon, which means save your energy/focus on yourself. When you start comparing your life to others, remember to think about all you do have. The pain of not having a child will be there, but this practice helps to relieve some of the suffering when you're undergoing treatments. For some this can be ONE only IVF shot. For others this way is much longer. God has got his plan for everyone. Sooner or later, we are all mature with our decisions, so that this mean blaming the clinic is not the thing to be really proud of.
I have read that a chemical preg can cause delayed ovulation. I researched this when I noticed that I was going to OV on my regular cycle day, and my opks where coming up negative when they would usually be positive. Do you have a chart to take a look at too scrutinize your temps and see when you may have OV? The bfn's could mean you are testing too soon. Some women don't get a + until WAY later. Implantation happens over a period of days 3 and sometimes more. Then Hcg has to be produced, sent into the blood stream, and finally excreted in small amounts in the urine. So it could take some time to see that line just because of the long process of getting to the urine. I've faced chemicals twice. Not the best experience either. Bc all your dreams get broken - and you need to start everything from the very beginning. this is frustrating though. Anyway, our path took us to Biotex. We wer still able to use own eggs, thus these being ''rejevenated'' first with donor's mitochondria. I'm just a couple of days after the transfer. Crossing everything. and baby dust to all!
It’s widely known that obese people trying to conceive are at an increased risk of miscarriage. They also are more likely to have issues with egg quality. They also might have a decreased response to IVF medications and certain procedures. Egg retrieval can also be more difficult in obese patients, because it’s harder to access or visualize the ovaries. Plus, once an obese person becomes pregnant, there’s an increased risk of gestational diabetes. Given these risks, most fertility clinics have a strict BMI limit for those interested in receiving IVF treatments. I believe one should be aware of the factors and possible risks and if needed take time for preparing the body through loosing extra lbs when eating healthy and going in for sports. That won’t harm anyway.
A choice of international reproductive clinic is kind of a leap in the dark. That is why it is very important to be informed. The more information you have the better choice you can make. We will show you how it works in details
It's not difficult to understand why people turn to surrogacy to have a baby but what drives women to be surrogates? Why do they want to carry a child for strangers? This is the first interview of the kind. Write your questions in the comments below and you'll definitely get the answers from our surrogates next time.
Such a well-known NON-PROFIT organization as Families Through Surrogacy, committed to its mission of providing complete and reliable information and support to intended parents, proved that their commitment to their sponsors is what really matters. Getting professional advice and assistance, keep in mind that competition is high and not always healthy and what you get is not necessarily what you asked for but it’s definitely what is sponsored. Here is a good example of how the business works.
OMG, God is the one to rule on how things will go. When we decided to head off for treatments in Ukraine, Biotexcom clinic we didn't expect it would take us 1 att only. Honestly, taking into consideration all our previous medical history which includes the following:
ReplyDeleteTTC since March 2014. Dx: Unexplained primary infertility.
IVF#1 - Antagonist protocol. 12 eggs retrieved, 6 fertilized. 2 transferred day 3, no snowbabies. BFN.
IVF#2 - Microdose flare protocol. 12 eggs retrieved, only 3 fertilized. Day 5 transfer of 2 blasts (grade 4AB, 4BB).
IVF#3 - donor eggs. We got a lovely donor at Biotex who produced her beautiful healthy eggs for us. They placed back 2 5day blasts of A grade during ET, one vanished, resulting in our baby who is due November, 2018.
Unfortunately not all the couples are that lucky with their 1st shots. But again we were expecting we'd need more ourselves, but thankfully it worked out from the very first one. Guys are doing their job perfectly, but they are not all mighty! So this cannot be the reason of hating them as there are so many other reasons preventing us from successful pregnancies. Anastasia is reasonable with the conclusions.
Congrats with your pregnancy! The way to treatments is never easy. We usually get overstressed even not having actually started the process itself. People around aren't understanding desired. The majority feels easy to even hurt the infertile, not knowing what burden they endure. I know how that feels. We used to be on similar boat stuck in the same mocking of others. Sadly the world has lot of insensible people or maybe we attract such stupid foul-mouthed over curious people who fail to be empathetic towards women for whom getting pregnant isn't as easy as DTD itself. I'd say please everyone stop feeling miserable because some douche-bag choose to pick on you. Stay grounded... and tell them they should be humble for having babies the easy way and shouldn't mock the less privileged ones!!
DeleteWell, I've heard sth of this kind earlier. But never thought it was true. They say, if you want to have the best chance at pregnancy, try conceiving in the winter months. Sperm are produced in larger numbers and swim faster in winter compared to the remaining three seasons. Sounds ridiculous, isn't it?
DeleteAdvances in contraceptive and reproductive technology have given women greater control in planning their family, which means that for many women, delaying motherhood is an active and empowered choice. There may also be a ‘celebrity effect’, as women see and read about celebrities having children after 40, apparently effortlessly. However, a woman’s fertility does decrease dramatically after 40 and it is important to know the facts about conception at 40 and above.
We We'd been ttc for 7 years. Doing multiple IUI attempts which sadly failed one after another. We underwent loads of tests to tell us what was wrong. We still gave a try to ivf with own egg which was called off because of only 1 additive test undone! And this 1 single additional test could have told us 7 years ago!! that it wasn't going to happen! Thankfully we found overseas Biotexcom where successfully completed our DE surrogacy program resulting in beautiful healthy twins. Infertility times are always difficult to move through, but we all are brave enough to do it!
Among women over 45, more now use donated eggs than their own when using medical assistance to get pregnant. What’s happening at the moment is that more and more women are delaying motherhood until later in their lives. But the fact is that as you get older the quality of your eggs diminishes. Using donated eggs from a younger woman pushes the success rate right up for older women. It can be the difference between 3 or 4% using their own eggs, right up to as high as a 60% success rate using donated eggs. The thing is that the womb doesn’t age in the way eggs do. So a woman can carry a child at almost any age. I have also appreciated what egg donors/surrogates are doing for us. My husband and I have been struggling to have our baby#1 for years. After a year of unsuccessful trying we finished the work up at the RE and discovered that my AMH was really low - 0.06. I did end up pregnant once. but it was a chemical that ended just shy of 4 weeks. The RE basically said that I had a 2% chance of getting pregnant naturally. Moreover, if I do there is a 50/50 chance of miscarriage due to DOR and poor egg quality. I am currently almost 41. I've never had children on my own before. But due to circumstances adopted my niece time ago.. So during our further investigations our RE said that our best chance was to do IVF with pregenetic screening. He said that bumps are chances up to 60%. This seemed too little..But we made the go. I think I've got the best prepared for IVF cycles – used all the possible tips to make my eggs better and the overall health state just excellent..We got bfp twice, and twice miscarried..Such a heartbreaking experience!! Finally, after more investigations done, were said it was not going to happen to us, so that we applied for surrogacy quite soon afterwards.
DeleteCouples should never do this. It really makes me sad. Well it's abslutely another thing when you pay money and you want the services the way they were written in your contract and don't get them for some reasons. (For example, you've been passed from hands to hands and your last expert cannot make head or tale on what is going on!! - then this is a problem) Or when for example you're told you'll not have to pay any extra fees and then it turns out you have to - this is also the problem. But if you sign the contract and you see how things are going on and you are involved fully into the process and everything seems just ok. BUT unfortunately this very time it doesn't work our for you - then this is sth more than just luck. Then you'd better think your coming cycle is going to be successful. As every step makes you closer to the desired aim, you know. I mean even if no luck from shot#1 a highly qualified clinic will investigate the reasons.They will make improvements to the treatment plans and do everything possible to make the next round successful. That is the point! Not hating or praising someone --just doing job right.
ReplyDeleteI'll keep on saying, mature patients get better emotional protection after an IVF failure. 'Cause they do not blame others or themselves for the failure. They do not think their body is defective. and hence their self-esteem is not damaged. And they accept the failure with a strong heart and mind which will in turn help them to look forward for ways to make their baby dreams come true! Anyway failures happen just everywhere, in every world's repro center.
DeleteFirstly, I 'd say I was shocked when read ''I hate Biotexcom'' heading. I really thought I got it not right and tried to dig for more aspects. This video turned out to be the most unexpected one. I was amazed seeing the head of the department being this open about the problems of cooperation with patients. This topic might be very sensitive for the majority. I mean everyone facing infertility tends to be prepared for the treatments flow via internet and chatting with people sailing in the same boat. Less people go straight to the expert for the advice. And only few are really prepared things might go wrong due to various obstacles. Those I had chats with always wrote they hoped for the success this very time as feel it inside..or sth of this kind. None used to write, oh god, my embies aren't going to be good enough to implant..and so on. And this is natural for people to hope for better and deny the possibility of failure. I think this leads to misunderstanding penetrating into hating the clinic which was not successful with your very first try. Unfortunately this happens. Ours is a long history of tratments failure with the clinic in the UK, which finally led us to Biotexcom where we applied for surrogacy. So what then? Do I have to hate my UK clinic which tried all possible options to treat me? Do I have to tell everybody and everywhere I hate the place its drs, everything 'cause of some reasons they couldn't cope with my case? I truly believe no. We both took this state of things and did our best to seek more options we could use. We tried with Biotexcom and were successful. Our sweet surrogate carried our baby for us which we'll be always thankful for. I guess all these things depend also on people..
ReplyDeleteA lovely post and I agree wholeheartedly. I have felt such a mixed bag of emotilns on the boards and blogs recently. Such amazingly brilliant news from some. And devestation from others. But stories like yours who have come through the other side and can still put a smile on their face and just move on- I applaud you!! Congrats on your sweet little one!!
DeleteThis is amazing how far the medicine has already stepped forward. IVF is super popular among IF couples. This is the hope for thousands of people to create their families. Though it's might be physically and emotionally draining. Also financially draining unless seeking treatments in European countries like Ukraine. Anyway this all is worth trying. We passed de surrogacy in biotexcom. To be fair, there are other clinics in Ukraine that are great as well, and you will find similar plans there. The reason we chose biotex is because we independently read a lot of great reviews online. There isn’t as much info in the US forums as there are in European forums, as Ukraine is only a two or three hour flight for most, and since they are in different languages, we had to use Google Translate to gather the intel on some the forums. Here's a super blog to read for those planning to undergo surrogacy This was quite emotional to turn to a completely new treatment abroad. So we tried to look fr ways to deal with the emotional roller coaster the best. Acupuncture was one of the methods. I've tried acupuncture twice in my life. Both times whilst preparing for IUI cycles. Unfortunately no actual effect, as the problem was in the core. As it turned out later I wasn't able to carry pregnancy. So probaby I'll resume its effect was beneficial for my nerves only. Did felt relieved for some time after acupuncture..Be good to yourselves, ladies.
DeleteThis topic is too sensitive. We all know we have to be patient when being in the process of treatments. But it's really hard to pull ourselves together when we expect our cycles to be successful and get BFNs at the end. Whom should we blame then!? To my mind, there are two sides of the coin. And one of them states one should trust the place she's with. I've heard several posts from people complaining some or the other clinic actually robbed them off too much money and were left still childless... For this and that, most of which were irrelevant or was never the client's fault. This is why it's always better to check the documents like 3 times before signing. This is the point of the trust. But if you've been lucky enough to have all things clear and transparent and for the exact money sum, and when you actually know the list of services and number of attempts and if you fail with cycle and you know there are one(s) remaining than everything's fair. On everage more than 1 cycle is needed to succeed through ivf, and this success depends on too many factors. Just make sure the place chosen is worthy even though you've failed with round#1 with them.
ReplyDeleteAgreed! The first person patients turn to when their IVF cycle fails is their doctor. He is the person who performed everything from the ovarian stimulation to the embryo transfer. He is the one who advised them to do IVF; and reassured them that they had a good chance of succeeding. Patients naturally think that their doctor should have an answer for the most important question that haunts them – ‘Why did my cycle fail?’ There are patients who are naive about the IVF process, and who get angry with their doctor when he cannot offer a satisfactory answer for the failure. They start imagining the worst – that their doctor did not perform the procedure well, or that the clinic is not competent, which is why the cycle failed. Some might blame themselves, because they start thinking that their body is not conducive for achieving a pregnancy; that their uterus is not good enough to accept the embryo; and that they are not fit to carry a baby. Some believe that their body is defective or that it “rejected” the embryo. Many start obsessing about all the ‘mistakes’ they did during the 2ww – from not taking enough rest to eating certain ‘forbidden’ foods. Many patients start blaming themselves for the IVF failure and might even think that it is a punishment from God! But a well informed, IVF literate patient understands that an IVF failure is nobody’s fault!!
DeleteEven when every step (From ovarian stimulation to egg retrieval to embryo transfer) goes as planned, the reality is that a certain percentage of women will not see a bfp. IVF pregnancy rates, overall, have improved tremendously. But it still is not perfect. Especially among women with DOR, bfns are unfortunately still common. Patients who still want to work with their own eggs have to expect that it may take more than one cycle to conceive. Such the truth is.
DeleteTreatment success doesn't purely depend on the clinic and its staff. There could be loads of reasons we might not be lucky after the 1st att. Unfortunately we don't know to listen to them much. Always tending to blame sb or sth unless understand the core ourselves. Sometimes people have to pay the fortune for treatments. They feel this absolute financial burden. And they believe this is going to be their rainbow - then fail accidentally..So start hating the place they had no luck at. Personally I don't think this is the right ''approach'' meaning you don't understand the core. Of course I happened to read the stories when women were blaming the clinics on spilling embryos or lab work giving inaccurate test results. Or young doctors being unable to properly evaluate the chances or some other complains. I truly don't believe young doctors are worse 'cause of experience lack..or them being young. It depends on their professionalism. Sadly it quite often takes more than expected to conceive. Try to stay patient and look for good answers from your doctor in case. May those epsodes be more rare within clinics.
ReplyDeleteHere a hater or not must understand-- NOT every ivf cycle ends up with success!! A failed IVF cycle is heart wrenching. It is painful because your dreams are shattered, your hard-earned money has gone down the tube and you do not know what to do next! As humans we all need an answer for the failures we encounter. Why did a particular endeavor fail? If we get an answer for this, then we tend to have peace of mind, because we believe that we can achieve success the next time around if we can rectify what went wrong in the previous attempt. But when an IVF cycle fails unfortunately no one has an answer for the same – not even your doctor! You might have had a perfect cycle – lots of eggs, good fertilization rate, good quality embryos, excellent endometrium, easy embryo transfer – but no positive pregnancy test! On the other hand your friend might have had a very poor IVF cycle (with few eggs and poor quality embryos) and they might end up getting pregnant! IVF is like a gamble – which involves not only your money, but also your fragile baby dreams! The sad truth is that there is no logical explanation for the outcome of an IVF cycle – be it a success or a failure. This is because we are still not intelligent enough to understand the logic beyond the bio’logical’ process that controls embryo development and implantation. Once the embryo is transferred to the uterus, no one knows what happens to it after this– after all, how can we track the fate of a microscopic ball of cells once they are inside the uterine cavity? We cannot predict which embryos will implant and why, and hence we do not know why an IVF cycle fails or succeeds!!! And this is definitely NOT THE REASON for hating or blaming someone!
ReplyDeleteWe went through 5 failed ivf rounds before found ourselves at bio tex com applying for surrogacy plan. Yes, we are not satisfied with the fact my wife had to go through all that nightmare and finally we were left childless just like at start. But this did happen. No use brushing things in memory again and again and hating everyone around! I think this also shows how mature we are with our thoughts towards the ivf process..And it makes sad people don't value the efforts done for them.
I'm sorry for all the failures you faced.. I've got this painful experience too. Unfortunately, there are many reasons why a miscarriage may happen. Although the cause is often not identified. If a miscarriage happens during the 1st trimester of pregnancy, it's usually caused by problems with the foetus. About 3 in every 4 miscarriages happen during this period..This statistics is very sad indeed, our tiny beans face the hugest issues during this very period of time. If a miscarriage happens after the first trimester of pregnancy, it may be the result of things like an underlying health condition in the mother.
DeleteLate miscarriages may also be caused by an infection around the baby. This usually leads to the bag of waters breaking before any pain or bleeding. Sometimes they can be caused by the neck of the womb opening too soon.
First trimester miscarriages are often caused by problems with the chromosomes of the foetus. Chromosome problems - Chromosomes are blocks of DNA. They contain a detailed set of instructions that control a wide range of factors, from how the cells of the body develop to what colour eyes a baby will have. Sometimes something can go wrong at the point of conception and the foetus receives too many or not enough chromosomes. The reasons for this are often unclear, but it means the foetus won't be able to develop normally, resulting in a miscarriage. This is very unlikely to recur. It doesn't necessarily mean there's any problem with you or your partner. And there are so many other factors influencing our success chance!!! The most important I believe is to keep sane and patient and keep on moving whatever happens.
We all try to make sure the clinic has good quality control and strong ethics before even making the first call there. We ask a lot of questions at each one we visit. Like, how long have the medical director, doctors, and technicians been there? Because we all know that a high staff turnover can be a sign of bad management, it can contribute to further mistakes. Then we want to know whether the clinic has a wide range of infertility remedies and is familiar with the latest technology. If the clinic has age limits for treatment What does treatment cost? Here we don't want to choose strictly on price. It's just good to know costs ahead of time so you know what you're getting into.
ReplyDeleteCost is always a shock to people. You don’t think of surrogacy as an elective procedure (Like plastic surgery). You think of fertility as a right!IVF, for example, can cost upwards of $10k for one cycle. Depending on what a patient is required to do, costs can escalate to anywhere from $20k to $25k. Moreover, this pricing doesn’t include vitamins and wellness treatments (Massage, acupuncture etc.) Many people still have to invest much additionally in throughout the process. It amounts to a hefty price tag that many can’t afford. Especially if you believe some research that says IVF is most successful after three or even five attempts!! Looking on our current process, I know my husband and I have been lucky. It also brought us closer together. We’ve always been an incredibly strong team! (Though surviving the ups and downs of infertility could have broken us.) Here's my story in brief. 39 yrs young. TTC 2 years & 9 months. I have a damaged right tube, endo. DH has some swimmer issues. Tried 6 medicated cycles (clmid and follistim) but only 1 IUI and 1 cycle timed BD because I kept Oing on my bad side.. Had two fresh cycles and two FETs. All times using own eggs and dh's swimmers. Meds taken: BCP, Lupron, Estrace and PIO (for FET) Did BCP, Lupron, Menopur and Follistim for fresh cycles. As for the eggs retrieved: IVF #1 - 9, IVF #2 – 15! Fertilized: IVF #1 - 4 of 9, IVF #2 - 10 of 15. 3 & 5 day transfers. 2 embies put back each time. With my BFP (IVF #1 was early loss) I had headaches and mild AF cramps during 2ww. I used FRERs. It's worth splurgin on the big guns when you've put yourself through so much crap! Dr told us there were complications, so it was too dangerous for me to try for pregnancy at all. And that we'd better to look for surrogacy option.
ReplyDeleteI just want to say that your strength and resilience is extremely inspiring! I've been through several retrieval cycles etc. etc... with a partner which was still hard. All the previous shots failed. But you are such a fierce bad-*ss for having the courage and fortitude to go through this again and again! You will be an amazing mother!! My only advice is finding professional support who you can fully trust such as an acupuncturist, therapist, or any other type of healer with experience with fertility if possible. I am premature ovarian failure and have been taking DHEA for a while now. I still randomly have periods, but have never had signs of ovulation. Even with DHEA and all the supplements I have seen recommended, my numbers continue to be low. I am still hormonally an old woman. Physically, I feel substantially great. My Dr did recommend DHEA, saying it could slow my progression to full blown menopause, but will not reverse my condition. So we hurried up to Biotexcom to try their mitochondrial donation method out. We'll see what happens next.
DeleteCurrently one can go for ''standard'' surrogacy package EUR 40k. One is sure to get: a surrogate's help, her screening, IP's screening, donor eggs if needed, translator's and interpreter's services, all legal support, all meds needed for the protocols. and many other vital services which definitely make the IP's stay at the clinic the most comfortable and effective. Moreover, VIP EUR 50k surrogacy plan covers the IP from money loss! Biotexcom guarantee says they'll try again and again unless the baby is placed in your hands. There's no point to hate if no luck. Probably it's better to look for ''win-win'' plan??
ReplyDeleteThere are so many points to discuss here. The quality of a woman’s eggs is important in creating a healthy embryo. The reason for this is that the egg does most of the work in accepting the DNA from sperm and facilitating the mix of genes resulting in the creation of an embryo. As maternal age advances, the percentage of chromosomally abnormal eggs increases. reducing the chance of creating a healthy embryo naturally.The main function of sperm is to move and transmit healthy DNA in to the oocyte to make a healthy embryo. In some men for various reasons sperm function may be poor and the DNA may be damaged. One of the most common reasons why IVF is unsuccessful, or why implantation failure or miscarriages occur, is because of chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo. Alos embryo implantation which depends on both embryo quality and the endometrial environment. The uterus may be affected by either structural, hormonal or immunological conditions. And final point is general peneral maternal and paternal health. I can hardly think the repro center is the only one to be responsible for all those aspects..Intended parents should be realistic about IVF process and outcomes. This will definitely save from heartbreaks if it's not working from the very first time.
ReplyDeleteNo wonder. People don't tend to understand the core of the treatment outcomes. We are used to think quite irrationally - we pay money -we must get a kid in any way. And we are literaly crushed when we don't for some reason..I belive the clinic' staff should always explain all the possible outcomes of the fertility treatment to their patients beforehand. for them to be realistic. In any case, I believe there are much more successful stories with them than those heartbreaking ones. When a company achieves high efficiency in its sphere and it is developing, making innovations and improving its results, it becomes popular among more and more people, the media, competitors, potential partners and, of course, infertile couples around the world. Nowadays there are many patients from Germany at the clinic. One of the stories was told by German media. There was a couple from Germany. Aged 55 and 48. They used donor egg surrogacy in BioTexCom. The couple has been waiting for the happy day for 17 years! After long researches they’ve decided on surrogacy in BioTexCom. Their surrogate mother has successfully carried and delivered twin girls for them.
ReplyDeleteAnastasia says right. They aren't gods and cannot rule over everything. Otherwise there wouldn't be a single heartbreak with treatments ever..
Among reasons might be any of the following. IVF cycle cancellation, prior to egg retrieval, because not enough follicles are produced. No or only inadequate quality eggs are retrieved. Retrieved eggs don't fertilize of fertilize inadequately. As a consequence no embryo may be available for transfer into the uterus. Transferred embryos may not implant for a variety of reasons. An IVF cycle can be unsuccessful even with good numbers of eggs (and embryos) if egg quality is poor. Our dr at BioTex explained that egg quality reflects about 95% of the final quality of an embryo. Poor egg quality, therefore, always leads to poor embryo quality. The quality of sperm, while not unimportant, is nowhere near as important as egg quality.
ReplyDeleteSurrogacy’s benefits for intended parents are clear. These couples are finally able to add to their families. This is often after years of unsuccessful ttc and hoping for success. But there is more to it. I mean the benefits of surrogacy for the surrogates. Every surrogacy is different. Each surrogate may walk away from her experience with different benefits and rewards. Each surrogacy is life-changing. So there is usually something to be gained from every journey. Surrogates enjoy a deep sense of personal satisfaction knowing they have helped another family in such an incredible way. Women who choose surrogacy are able to share their pregnancy journey with the intended parents. Many surrogates develop lasting relationships with the families they help create. Surrogates involve their surroundings into the process and are able to set a wonderful example of generosity. If the surrogacy is compensated, the surrogate also receives base compensation that can be applied to her financial goals, such as saving for a house. Finally, I read quite often, the women who choose surrogacy agree that seeing a completed family at the end of their journey is the ultimate reward that makes it all worth it.
When an IVF cycle fails, many people feel grief, anger and frustration. It’s extremely normal to feel these emotions. But you should not blame yourself, your partner, or your clinic. IVF can fail for many reasons. The chances are that it is completely out of your control. Talk to your fertility specialist who will be able to explain what may have happened and what steps to take next. This is the only good approach if you want to keep sane and go forward.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, not everything depends on fertility experts/clinic/lucky stars..There is sth much more about this entire process of infertility struggles. It has taken us years already. Long ttc with no luck. Then long years of medicated cycles & IVFs - no joy either. We made the decision to try luck with the very last option - surrogacy in Ukraine. Putting all our hopes into this option & counting on it as truly last one, we'd never be able to afford more..It's good people let things off their chests. But one should be realistic about expectations.
ReplyDeleteWe all know this burden, right?
DeleteI believe we are not the only ones. But the beginning of the process was rather stressing for us both I should admit. as it all was completely new to us! We had our 1st app in March in ** clinic, Kiev. (Dealing with mitochondria donation OR donor eggs along with IVF this time if the former doesn't work). Unfortunately, time is sth which is not under control when it comes to fertilty. It was an unpleasant piece of news for me, for all the family, when our first fertility doc told us I was not going to have a genetically related to me kid. So devastating!!- Seems I'd never felt so broken and miserable before..We've got into all this by no choice. And here are probably some of the tips, which have been helping me so far. The first thing as for the meds I’ve made conclusions on, is never read!! all the scary side effects as most medications have those!! The more you get into it the more it seems you’ll never cope with it ( if there turn to be these and those ones.) Take a deep breath and just do what you’re told. Trust people you’re working with on your aim! A good talk with someone professional about worries/concerns - RE, a nurse, a family doctor, ... whoever really helps!! This is naturally we have a lot of worries, frustration and questions. So I truly believe we need to have someone close by that can help us through every step of this intense journey. Also people on here and on other boards are extremelly helpful. Yet another thing is accupuncture. I used it mainly to calm mind - it might be something to look into too, surely.
And yes, you don't have to have an ET after an ER right immediately! You can freeze them and have a FET. Thus the clinic we're with prefers fresh cycles. ( At least if the case lets it) A good thing is to look at the groups with appropriate titles on boards, so that you could get even more support. You'll find more info about the process and waiting times which will definitely help you in the long run. And ask your RE about any concerns you might have. Be as much involved into the process as possible. Get notes not to abandon some crusial points of treatments. GL to all and please talk to a professional any time you need to have your mind at ease.
ReplyDeleteI’d love to hear from others who are also struggling. Venting allowed.
The posts above really resonated with me. I'm sorry you find yourself in these situations. During my journey, I learned to appreciate the things I had. I didn't have any children, but there was still a lot to be grateful for. It's easy to get jealous of what others have. That's why I just tried to focus on my dh, myself and my blessings. I understood I have no right to make assumptions or judge others. Because I never know their life's journey. Only you can run this marathon, which means save your energy/focus on yourself. When you start comparing your life to others, remember to think about all you do have. The pain of not having a child will be there, but this practice helps to relieve some of the suffering when you're undergoing treatments. For some this can be ONE only IVF shot. For others this way is much longer. God has got his plan for everyone. Sooner or later, we are all mature with our decisions, so that this mean blaming the clinic is not the thing to be really proud of.
I have read that a chemical preg can cause delayed ovulation. I researched this when I noticed that I was going to OV on my regular cycle day, and my opks where coming up negative when they would usually be positive. Do you have a chart to take a look at too scrutinize your temps and see when you may have OV? The bfn's could mean you are testing too soon. Some women don't get a + until WAY later. Implantation happens over a period of days 3 and sometimes more. Then Hcg has to be produced, sent into the blood stream, and finally excreted in small amounts in the urine. So it could take some time to see that line just because of the long process of getting to the urine. I've faced chemicals twice. Not the best experience either. Bc all your dreams get broken - and you need to start everything from the very beginning. this is frustrating though. Anyway, our path took us to Biotex. We wer still able to use own eggs, thus these being ''rejevenated'' first with donor's mitochondria. I'm just a couple of days after the transfer. Crossing everything. and baby dust to all!
ReplyDeleteIt’s widely known that obese people trying to conceive are at an increased risk of miscarriage. They also are more likely to have issues with egg quality. They also might have a decreased response to IVF medications and certain procedures. Egg retrieval can also be more difficult in obese patients, because it’s harder to access or visualize the ovaries. Plus, once an obese person becomes pregnant, there’s an increased risk of gestational diabetes. Given these risks, most fertility clinics have a strict BMI limit for those interested in receiving IVF treatments. I believe one should be aware of the factors and possible risks and if needed take time for preparing the body through loosing extra lbs when eating healthy and going in for sports. That won’t harm anyway.